Saturday, September 6, 2014

Bia Gae in Silver Thread - LP Cher, Wat Klang Bang Gaew

Monk: LP Cher
Temple: Wat Klang Bang Gaew, Nakhon Pathom Province
Year: BE 2552 (2009) 
SGD $ 179

Bia Gae with a takrut and mercury inside, bound in silver thread. Makes a “kluk-kluk” sound when shaken.

Effects: Protection against bad luck, harm, black magic and evil influences. Also for wealth & immunity against poverty. 

Method & Katha:

Additional info:
LP Cher was the looksit of LP Boon.

Bia gae amulets, usually made from cowrie shells filled with mercury and takrut, are used to protect against evil spirits, black magic and evil forces.

For many centuries in the past, cowrie shells were used as money in different parts of the world, ranging from Africa, India, China and the Americas & Pacific Islands.  The ancient Chinese character (古文) for money originated as a stylized drawing of a cowrie shell (); Chinese characters concerning money, property or wealth usually have this as a radical

The word “gae” in bia gae means “to remedy or to solve” - bia gae amulets are also believed to solve poverty; It is believed that by keeping a bia gae amulet, one should always have enough food and other basic needs satisfied. In fact, bia gaes are also frequently used as wealth/luck amulets - it is quite common to find a bia gae embedded at the base of a wealth bucha.

More about bia gae amulets:

Dealing locally in Singapore; cash payments only. Collection point: Somerset MRT.