Saturday, September 6, 2014

Phra Mae Nang Kwak Bucha - LP Hong Wat Petburi

Monk: LP Hong
Temple: Wat Petburi (Petchburi), Surin Province
Year: BE 2546   (2003)
Size: 11 cm Wide x 18 cm Long x 22.5 cm High
Weight: about 2 Kg

SGD $ 250

This is Phra Mae Nang Kwak “Choke Lahp Maha Set Tee” (good luck millionaire) batch, with LP Hong’s monk robe, bia gae (cowrie shell) and 3 takruts embedded at the base. Phra Mae Nang Kwak beckoning with her right hand while sitting on top of gold ingots, money bag and cash. Made from sacred bronze material.

Only made 399 pieces. This bucha is serial number: 341

Effects: Wealth & fortune, luck, good business, charm & loving kindness. Great for putting at store/business front for attracting customers and business.

Additional info:
About Phra Mae Nang Kwak

Bia gae (cowrie shell):
For many centuries in the past, cowrie shells were used as money in different parts of the world, ranging from Africa, India, China and the Americas & Pacific Islands.  The ancient Chinese character (古文) for money originated as a stylized drawing of a cowrie shell (); Chinese characters concerning money, property or wealth usually have this as a radical.

The word “gae” in bia gae means “to remedy or to solve” - bia gae amulets are also believed to solve poverty; It is believed that by keeping a bia gae amulet, one should always have enough food and other basic needs satisfied. In fact, bia gaes are also frequently used as wealth/luck amulets - it is quite common to find a bia gae embedded at the base of a wealth bucha like this one.

LP Hong’s Bio

Dealing locally in Singapore; cash payments only. Collection point: Somerset MRT.