Thursday, October 16, 2014

Taw Waes Suwan Bucha - LP Key, Wat Srilumyong

Monk: LP Key Gitiyano
Temple: Wat Srilumyong, Surin Province
Year: BE 2551  (2008)
Size: 27 cm (10.5") H. Base - 9 cm x 9 cm. 
SGD $ 168

Made from sacred bronze material, this is a bucha of Phra Taw Waes Suwan (Tao Wessuwan) the Asura Deva holding his powerful crystal club. Featuring sacred yants at the base, the bottom is also embedded with LP Key’s signature three takruts joined by holy thread, and a piece of LP Key’s robe.

This is bucha with serial number # 43.

Obtained directly from LP Key’s temple Wat Srilumyong, Surin province. This item was chanted and blessed again personally by LP Key before we left the temple.

Effects: Protection against evil influences, thieves, backstabbers and people with bad intents; clearing away bad luck, success in endeavors, attracting good luck, prosperity & immense wealth.

Additional info:
Taw Waes Suwan (Guberan, Kubera) is the Asura King of the North cardinal direction. Often seen guarding the entrances to Thai temples, Taw Waes Suwan is seen as a protector from all demons, evil and black magic. Also, being the richest Asura King of his realm, Taw Waes Suwan is worshipped as a deity for great fortune and wealth accumulation.

About Phra Taw Waes Suwan (Phra Guberan)
About LP Key:
One of the living top guru monks, LP key was born 24th May 1928 and ordained as a monk at the age of 21 at Wat Petburi, Surin Province. The late venerable LP Hong ever said that LP Key’s magic is second to none. LP Hong once sneaked in to take a peek at LP Key blessing some amulets and saw a bright light shining around LP Key and the amulets he was blessing. LP Key is always very hospitable and engaging whenever we visit his temple. The last time we were there, despite having arrived too late in the day (almost evening time) and finding the temple amulet counter closed, LP Key actually ordered one of the monks there to re-open the doors to the amulet counter for us. Also, LP Key amazingly waited for us the entire time we were selecting amulets from the counter, and afterwards LP Key chanted a very long blessing session for us and the amulets. What a great guru monk!! Thank you LP key we wish you good health and long life.

Dealing locally in Singapore; cash payments only. Collection point: Somerset MRT.