Thursday, October 16, 2014

Phra Pidta Nur Thong Kao with 3 Takruts, Garuda & Salikas - LP Nen, Wat Ban Kases Tong Setthi

Monks: LP Nen Kampiro, LP Kambu, Archan Subin
Temple: Wat Ban Kases Tong Setthi,  Roi Et Province
Year: BE 2556  (2013)
SGD $ 58

Phra Pidta Nur Thong Kao - the back is filled with sacred powder paste mix, Garuda, double Salikas, three takruts and yant plate. Blessed by LP Nen, LP Kambu and Archan Subin.

Effects: This is an all round amulet for protection, luck, prosperity and fortune. Garuda bestows victory against enemies and obstacles, as well as authority and power to command and lead people. The double Salikas grant the power of good speech to charm, attract, convince and influence others.

Additional info:
LP Nen is the disciple of the recently departed LP Kambu.

Dealing locally in Singapore; cash payments only. Collection point: Somerset MRT